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Our story

Story of Bunny Moon

Our candy company is dedicated to featuring a wide variety of treats, from trending freeze-dried goodies to tangy sours, spicy chocolates, nostalgic favorites, and even unique mash-ups like cotton candy pickles. We take pride in offering bulk options, taffy, jelly beans, toys, and so much more. With this diverse selection, we aim to cater to every sweet tooth and create an unforgettable candy experience.

At the heart of our mission is the desire to bring happiness and smiles to both children and adults. As the proud owners, my husband Saed and I, Sue Farraj, have infused our passion for candy and boundless creativity into every aspect of this venture. We believe that candy is more than just a treat—it's a source of joy and nostalgia, capable of brightening anyone's day.

Happy Customers’
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Sweet Moments, Unforgettable Memories: Thanks to Bunny Moon!

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“Really product was very fresh and happy with the product and delivery system”

Indulging in Bunny Moon's candies has been an absolute delight! The creativity and passion poured into each treat are evident in every bite. Sue and Saed have truly created a candy wonderland that brings joy to both young and old. Their commitment to the community and the enchanting Bunny Moon character make every visit a memorable experience. We can't wait to see what delightful concoctions they come up with next!

- Jacky Chen